Hierarchy of Power
The authors of the US Constitution were individuals with Christian values. It is because of these values that explains the basis of individual freedoms or rights. It believed that God has bestowed every individual with inalienable rights, or the right of man. Those rights include life, liberty, property, and security. To provide security, man developed society and then government. The major focus of government, whether it is state or federal, is to secure our rights as citizens.
The hierarchy of power according to man is God, followed by man, then society and finally government.
God-ultimate power
Government-least power
Just as God is the creator of all man, Man is the creator of society and government. The powers of government shall not exceed the powers of man, the creator of government. This hierarchy viewpoint ostensibly carries over in the establishment of government.
The Constitution of the United States starts with
“We the People of the United States…
We the People have the power to effect change. We have a civic responsibility to act, to secure our rights as well as the rights of others. This action must extend beyond the customary voting every two to four years for national elections. We are in unprecedented times which require unprecedented measures, and we can do this successfully through the US Constitution.
This requires a complete change in the thinking process as it relates to government. We are the creator of government. The power is in the creator and not what he creates. If this is not the situation, then we are no longer in a constitutional republic.
We have the power, and it is imperative to use this form of power to secure our rights and the rights of others.
Remember no state “shall deny to any citizen within their jurisdiction the equal protection of the law.” This is the basis for the justification of our campaign. Critical Race Theory violates the US Constitution by promoting racism in our educational system. Racism is contrary to our Constitution.
Our forebearers established a path forward on how to hold elected or appointed officials accountable. Violations of their Oath of Office occur when the elected or appointed official fails to restore the Rules of Law that govern education in every state. These provisions originate from the US Constitution.
The other important fact about the authors of the US Constitution is that they were not colonists but statesmen. With colonists it requires permission from the government. That was not the situation with statesmen. States are free and independent. States maintain their individual sovereignty. Even though the states maintain sovereignty, all states are in a compact or an agreement with the federal government. What is important is that the states are not under any obligation to accept laws that violate the US Constitution (not duty bound).
This is how we protect our Constitution, and our government. State sovereignty, addressed in a collective manner, can protect our Constitution by removing itself from a corrupt federal government.
By educating citizens that states are not obligated to enforce unconstitutional policies such as Critical Race Theory, Social Emotional Learning, Comprehensive Sex Education, pornography, and gender affirming books in our schools, it provides another avenue to challenge the lawfulness of the ruling initiated by the federal government.
We need to exercise our authority to order the removal of the above violations because Parental Rights are part of the US Constitution, the Supreme Law in the Land. To violate Parental Rights, you are violating the US Constitution, a federal law. Issue 1 is a prime example where a law has been passed to recognize assumed authority which is contrary to the legal authority presented in the US Constitution.
“Laws repugnant to the US Constitution is void.”
In the hierarchy of powers, state powers supersede federal powers. States have full power, not unlike a European country. States have full power to levy war, conclude peace, contract alliances, deal with commerce and to do all other acts and things which independent states do.
The federal government powers, however, are few and well defined by the US Constitution. This is specifically done to limit the authority of the federal government.
A classic example of the full force of the state in action is the fight that the state of Texas has undertaken against the federal government. The state is within its right to build a wall, deport illegal immigrants, deploy buoys in the river, and razor wire along the borders. Texas is a sovereign state and is not forced to comply with unconstitutional laws provided by the federal government. Not duty bound.
Once you come to the realization that We the People are in charge you get a sense of empowerment and ready to move forward to fight to secure our rights given to us by God. Again, I encourage all of you to watch the movie non-compliant.